FireTruck Diary

My experiences restoring and playing with a 1960 Ford C-850 Fire Engine

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   Friday, July 19, 2002
Pump by Numbers
I'm getting ready to try and decipher the pump. I'm willing to enlist all the help I can get, so I'm putting a diagram of the pump panel up on the site. My hope is that kind-hearted folks can help me determine the following:
1. What sequence of operations will allow me to test the pump?
2. How can I test suction?
Here's the panel:

Here's the labelling:
1 - "Vacuum"
2 - "Oil"
3 - "Temp"
4 - "Pressure"
(not labelled - Tank level and RPM)
5 - "Relief Valve Control"
6 - "Left Rear Discharge" (on top of truck bed 1.5")
7 - "Right Rear Discharge" (on top of truck bed 1.5")
8 - "Throttle"
8A - Unlabeled thing between 8 & 9, no obvious function
9 - "Prime - Hold Down"
10* - Open/Close
11 - "Reel" - Open/Close
12* - Outlet
13 - "Fill Tank" - Open/Close
14 - "Manual Prime"
15 - "Manual Prime"
16* - Big Outlet
16A - (unseen) "Drain"
17* - "Cooling"
18 - "Suction"
19 - "Tank Suction"
20 - "Drain"

* - 10,12,16,17 are replicated on the other side of the truck.
Two outlets are on top of the truck bed (Rear discharge)

Thanks for any help!! Mail me with ideas

Index of Post Titles:

Vital Statistics:
1960 Ford

534 cid
5-speed Gas
277 horsepower

27000 lbs. GVW

Young Fire Equip.

1000 gal. tank

500 GPM Hale
Midship Pump
Type QSHD-2,

Ferrell Fire Co.,
Ferrell, NJ

Buchanan VFD,
Buchanan, TX